Canterbury Cross
The Canterbury cross is a relatively recent adoption by the worldwide Anglican Communion, following the 19th-century discovery of a 9th-century artifact named the "Canterbury cross" because it was discovered in Canterbury. There have always been many different factions and streams of thought within the tradition of the English Church: Celtic and Roman, Saxon and Norman, catholic and protestant, high church and low church, orthodox and liberal, conservative and progressive, Global North and Global South. Tradition is inseparable from change and adaptation. Reconciliation follows conflict, and conflict follows reconciliation.
In this design, I emphasized the circular shape of the cross by arranging the IC XC Christogram in a circular pattern rather than the more common left-to-right linear pattern. The ancient Celtic peoples conceived of time as circular, not linear, and this remains with us in the circular rhythm of the traditional church year.
3" waterproof vinyl. This sticker does not come with a prayer card.